Constant |
Value |
E |
2.7182818284590452354 |
infinity |
negative infinity |
NO |
PI |
3.14159265358979323846 |
Math and Statistical functions
Function Syntax |
Type |
Description |
Usage |
ABS(double) |
double |
Absolute value |
ABS(-10) returns 10 |
ARCCOS(double) |
double |
Arc cosine |
ARCCOS(0) returns 1.5707963267949 |
ARCCOSH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic arc cosine |
ARCCOSH(2) returns 1.31695789692482 |
ARCCOT(double) |
double |
Arc cotangent |
ARCCOT(1) returns 0.785398163397448 |
ARCCOTH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic arc cotangent |
ARCCOTH(2.5) returns 0.423648930193602 |
ARCCSC(double) |
double |
Arc cosecant |
ARCCSC(1) returns 1.5707963267949 |
ARCCSCH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic arc cosecant |
ARCCSCH(4.5) returns 0.220432720979802 |
ARCSEC(double) |
double |
Arc secant |
ARCSEC(1.5) returns 0.84106867056793 |
ARCSECH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic arc secant |
ARCSECH(.5) returns 1.31695789692482 |
ARCSIN(double) |
double |
Arc sine |
ARCSIN(1) returns 1.5707963267949 |
ARCTAN(double) |
double |
Arc tangent |
ARCTAN(1) returns 0.785398163397448 |
ARCTAN2(double y, double x) |
double |
Arc tangent y/x |
ARCTAN2(4,5) returns 0.674740942223553 |
ARCTANH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic arc tangent |
ARCTANH(.5) returns 0.549306144334055 |
AVERAGE(double, double, ...) |
double |
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments. |
AVERAGE(1,3,5,7) returns 4 |
CEIL(double) |
double |
The smallest integer greater than or equal to the specified number |
CEIL(4.1) returns 5 |
COMB(int x, int y) |
int |
Returns the number of possible combinations with a group of x objects grouped as y objects. |
COMB(6,3) returns 20 |
COS(double) |
double |
The cosine of the given angle (in radians). |
COS(PI) returns -1 |
COSH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic cosine |
COSH(1.2) returns 1.81065556732437 |
COT(double) |
double |
Cotangent |
COT(PI/3) returns 0.577350269189626 |
COTH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic cotangent |
COTH(1.2) returns 1.19953754419235 |
COUNT(double, double, ...) |
double |
Total count of parameters passed |
COUNT(1,1,2,2,3) returns 5 |
CSC(double) |
double |
Cosecant |
CSC(PI/2) returns 1 |
CSCH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic cosecant |
CSCH(1.5) returns 0.469642440595225 |
DEG(double) |
double |
Converts radians to degrees |
DEG(PI/2) returns 90 |
EXP(double) |
double |
E (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power |
EXP(2) returns 7.38905609893065 |
FACT(int) |
int |
Calculates the factorial of a non-negative integer. The factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the integer. |
FACT(5) returns 120 |
FRAC(double) |
double |
Returns the fractional part of the argument. |
FRAC(1.5) returns 0.5 |
FLOOR(double) |
double |
The greatest integer less than or equal to the specified number |
FLOOR(2.5) returns 2 |
FORMAT(style, double) |
string |
Returns a formatted string expression. |
FORMAT("$%1.2f", 13.4) returns $13.40 |
GCF(int, int) |
int |
Returns the greatest common factor. |
GCF(9,15) returns 3 |
INV(double) |
double |
Returns the inverse of the argument. Argument must not be equal to zero. |
INV(5) returns 0.2 |
LCD(int, int) |
int |
Returns the least common denominator. |
LCD(6,15) returns 30 |
LN(double) |
double |
Natural logarithm |
LN(100) returns 4.60517018598809 |
LOG10(double) |
double |
Logarithm to base 10 |
LOG10(1000) returns 3 |
LOGB(double, double base) |
double |
Logarithm to base base |
LOGB(1000,10) returns 3 |
MAX(double, double, ...) |
double |
Maximum |
MAX(1,E,PI) returns 3.14159265358979 |
MEDIAN(double, double, ...) |
double |
Returns the median (middle) value of the arguments. |
MEDIAN(2,6,4,1,3) returns 3 |
MIN(double, double, ...) |
double |
Minimum |
MIN(1,E,PI) returns 1 |
MODE(double, double, ...) |
double |
Returns the mode (most common) value of the arguments. |
MODE(2,5,3,4,5) returns 5 MODE(2,5,3,4,6) returns 0 |
NEG(double) |
double |
Negation |
NEG(10) returns -10 |
PERM(int x, int y) |
int |
Returns the number of possible permutations if x objects can be placed in y positions. |
PERM(5,5) returns 120 |
POW(double, double power) |
double |
The specified number raised to the specified power |
POW(3,5) returns 243 |
PRIME(int x, int y) |
int |
Returns a random prime number in the range x to y inclusive. |
PRIME(30,40) might return 31 or 37 |
QUARTILE(list data, int whichQuartile) |
double |
Returns the quartile from a list of values. 0 - Minimum/lower extreme 1 - First/lower quartile (25th percentile) 2 - Second quartile/median value (50th percentile) 3 - Third/upper quartile (75th percentile) 4 - Maximum/upper extreme |
myList = LIST(33, 26, 17, 25, 31, 27, 21) quartile(myList, 0) returns 17, the lower extreme/minimum quartile(myList, 1) returns 21, the lower quartile quartile(myList, 2) returns 26, the median quartile(myList, 3) will return 31, the upper quartile quartile(myList, 4) will return 33, the upper extreme/maximum |
RAD(double) |
double |
Converts degrees to radians |
RAD(180) returns 3.14159265358979 |
RAND(int max) |
int |
Random number between 1 and max. |
RAND(3) might return 3 |
RANGE(double min, double max, double increment) |
double |
Returns a random number in the range min to max (inclusive). If the optional increment argument is included, the value selected will be offset from the min value by that increment. If min is less than 0 and max is greater than 0, the value 0 will never be returned by the function. |
RANGE(5,10) might return 7. It will return an integer between 5 and 10. RANGE(1,10,2) might return 5. It will return odd numbers between 1 and 10. RANGE(2,10,2) might return 8. It will return even numbers between 2 and 10. RANGE(1,10,.01) might return 6.41. It will return a result between 1 and 10 with 2 decimal places. |
ROUND(double d, int precision) |
double |
Returns the number with the specified precision nearest the specified value, where d is a number to be rounded and precision is the number of significant fractional digits in the return value. If precision is greater than or equal to 10, the function rounds the argument to the nearest precision. |
ROUND(1234.5678,2) returns 1234.57 ROUND(1234.5678,10) returns 1240 ROUND(1234.5678,100) returns 1200 |
SDEV(double, double, ...) |
double |
Standard deviation |
SDEV(1.5,3,7,11.5) returns 3.88104367406501 |
SEC(double) |
double |
Secant |
SEC(PI/6) returns 1.15470053837925 |
SECH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic secant |
SECH(1.8) returns 0.321804869506588 |
SGN(double) |
double |
If the argument is less than zero, this function returns -1. If the argument is greater than zero, this function returns 1. Otherwise it returns zero. |
SGN(-5) returns -1 SGN(5) returns 1 SGN(0) returns 0 |
SGNS(double) |
double |
If the argument is less than zero, this function returns a negative sign. Otherwise, it returns a plus sign. |
SGNS(5) returns + SGNS(-5) returns - |
SIGFIG(double x, int figs, boolean force) |
string |
Creates a string version of the argument, x, that has figs significant digits. If force is TRUE, then the string returned will have exactly figs significant digits (even if the function has to randomly create some digits). If force is FALSE, then the function will return a string that has figs significant digits or less. |
SIGFIG(12345,3,FALSE) returns 12300 SIGFIG(12.345,7,TRUE) returns 12.34500 SIGFIG(1230,4,TRUE) might return 1235 |
SIN(double) |
double |
The sine of the given angle (in radians). |
SIN(PI/2) returns 1 |
SINH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic sine |
SINH(1.4) returns 1.90430150145153 |
SQR(double) |
double |
Square root |
SQR(81) returns 9 SQR(85) returns 9.21954445729289 |
SUM(double, double, ...) |
double |
Sum of the specified numbers |
SUM(1,3,5,7,9) returns 25 |
TAN(double) |
double |
Tangent |
TAN(PI/6) returns 0.577350269189626 |
TANH(double) |
double |
Hyperbolic tangent |
TANH(1.4) returns 0.885351648202263 |
VARIANCE(double, double, ...) |
double |
Variance |
VARIANCE(1,2,5,7) returns 5.6875 |
Logical functions
Function Syntax |
Return Type |
Description |
Usage |
IF(bool condition, expression1, expression2) |
any |
If condition evaluates to TRUE, expression1 is returned. If condition evaluates to FALSE, expression2 is returned. This function accepts any type for its second and third parameters as long as they are both of the same type. |
IF(RAND(2)=1,"HELLO","GOODBYE") returns HELLO or GOODBYE depending on the result of the RAND statement |
AND(boolean, boolean, ...) |
boolean |
Returns true if all its arguments are true; returns false if any argument is false |
AND(RAND(2)=1,RAND(2)=1) returns TRUE if both RAND statements evaluate to 1 |
OR(boolean, boolean, ...) |
boolean |
Returns true if any argument is true; returns false if all arguments are false |
OR(RAND(2)=1,RAND(2)=1) returns TRUE if either RAND statement evaluates to 1 |
NOT(boolean) |
boolean |
Returns true if the argument is false. |
NOT(RAND(2)=1) returns TRUE if the RAND statement evaluates to 2 |
Text functions
Function Syntax |
Return Type |
Description |
Usage |
ASC(string) |
int |
Returns the ASCII value of the first character in the string. |
ASC("R") returns 82 |
CHR(int) |
string |
Returns a string character with the ASCII value of the argument. |
CHR(82) returns R |
DECS(double, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns a decimal number as a string. If the number has an infinitely repeating decimal part, the repeating part is displayed with an overbar. |
DECS(1/3) returns 0.3, alt text is set as "0.333..." |
FIND(string textToFind, string textToSearch, int startIndex) |
int |
Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a textToFind, within a textToSearch string. The search starts at a specified character position (zero-based). |
FIND("n","Cognero",0) returns 3 |
IN(string ItemToFind, string ListItem1, string ListItem2, ...) |
boolean |
Looks for ItemToFind in the specified list of items. Returns true if item is found in the list, false otherwise. |
IN("TWO","ONE","TWO","THREE") returns TRUE IN("TWO","ONE","THREE","FIVE") returns FALSE |
INSTR(string x, string y) |
int |
Returns the position (one-based) in the string x where the first occurrence of y was found. |
INSTR("Cognero","e") returns 5 |
LEFT(string, int nCount) |
string |
Returns the first (leftmost) nCount characters from a string. |
LEFT("Cognero",3) returns Cog |
LEN(string) |
int |
Returns the number of characters in a string |
LEN("Cognero") returns 7 |
LOWER(string) |
string |
Converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase. |
LOWER("Cognero") returns cognero |
LTRIM(string) |
string |
Trims spaces from the left side of a string argument. |
LTRIM(" Cognero") returns Cognero |
MID(string, int nFirst, int nCount) |
string |
Returns a substring of length nCount characters from a string, starting at position nFirst (zero-based). |
MID("Cognero",2,3) returns gne |
RIGHT(string, int nCount) |
string |
Returns the last (rightmost) nCount characters from a string. |
RIGHT("Cognero",3) return ero |
RTRIM(string) |
string |
Trims spaces from the right side of a string argument. |
RTRIM("Cognero ") returns Cognero |
SCIENS(double) |
string |
Returns a string representation of the argument in scientific notation. Choose scientific notation formatting and select the number of decimal places when formatting the variable. |
SCIENS(1234567) returns 1.23 x 106 when decimal places is set to 2. |
SENTENCE(string) |
string |
Divides a string argument into ten parts that can be used with the choose function. |
MYSENTENCE: SENTENCE("one two three four five six seven eight nine ten") CHOOSE(3,MYSENTENCE) returns three |
SQRS(double radical or double coefficient, double radical or boolean altText, boolean altText) |
string |
Reduces the radical argument to a coefficient and a radical and returns a string representation in the root form. This function also allows for text input enclosed in quotations. This text may be formatted (e.g., italic, superscript, etc.). If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
SQRS(81) returns 9, alt text is set as "9" SQRS(24) returns , alt text is set as "2 times square root of 6" SQRS(51, true) returns , alt text is set as "square root of 51" SQRS(-5, false) returns , no alt text SQRS(4.5, 81, true) returns 40.5, alt text is set as "40.5" SQRS(3, 2) returns , alt text is set as "3 times square root of 2" SQRS("x") returns , alt text is set as "square root of x" |
STR(double) |
string |
Returns a string representation of the argument. |
STR(15) returns 15 |
STRDUP(string, count) |
string |
Returns a string by repeating the string argument count number of times. |
STRDUP("X",5) returns XXXXX |
SUBSTITUTE(string text, string oldText, string newText) |
string |
Substitutes newText for oldText in a text string. |
SUBSTITUTE("hello","h","j") returns jello |
TRIM(string) |
string |
Removes all occurrences of white space characters from the beginning and end of a string. |
TRIM(" Cognero ") returns Cognero |
UPPER(string) |
string |
Converts all lowercase letters in a text string to uppercase. |
UPPER("cognero") returns COGNERO |
VAL(string) |
double |
Returns a numeric representation of the string. |
VAL("5 million") returns 5 |
Fraction functions
Function Syntax |
Return Type |
Description |
Usage |
int |
Returns the denominator in the fractional part of a number. |
DENOMINATOR(2.75) returns 4 |
FRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns reduced fraction in the form "numerator/denominator" or a whole number. FRACS also allows for text fractions. This text may be formatted (e.g., italic, superscript, etc.). If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
FRACS(4,6) returns , alt text is set as "2 over 3" FRACS("<i>x</i>", 25) returns , alt text is set as "x over 5" FRACS(72,10, false) returns , no alt text |
MIXFRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns reduced fraction in the form "whole/numerator/denominator" or a whole number If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
MIXFRACS(8,6) returns , alt text is set as "1 and 1 over 3" MIXFRACS(8,6,false) returns , no alt text MIXFRACS(12,6) returns 2, no alt text since result is not an image |
NUMERATOR(double) |
int |
Returns the numerator in the fractional part of a number. |
NUMERATOR(2.75) returns 3 |
RFRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns reduced fraction in the form "numerator/denominator" If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
RFRACS(4,6) returns , alt text is set as "2 over 3" RFRACS(8,6,true) returns , alt text is set as "4 over 3" RFRACS(12,6,false) returns , no alt text |
SFRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns a small, reduced fraction in the form "numerator/denominator" or a whole number. SFRACS also allows for text fractions. This text may be formatted (e.g., italic, superscript, etc.). If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
SFRACS(4,6) returns , alt text is set as "2 over 3" SFRACS("<i>x</i>", 25) returns , alt text is set as "x over 5" SFRACS(72,10, false) returns , no alt text |
SMIXFRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns a small, reduced fraction in the form "whole/numerator/denominator" or a whole number If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
SMIXFRACS(8,6) returns , alt text is set as "1 and 1 over 3" SMIXFRACS(8,6,false) returns , no alt text SMIXFRACS(12,6) returns 2, no alt text since result is not an image |
SRFRACS(double numerator, double denominator, boolean altText) |
string |
Returns a small, reduced fraction in the form "numerator/denominator" If the optional altText argument is omitted or set to true, the resulting image will be tagged with automatically-created alt text. If the optional altText argument is set to false, no alt text is included. |
SRFRACS(4,6) returns , alt text is set as "2 over 3" SRFRACS(8,6,true) returns , alt text is set as "4 over 3" SRFRACS(12,6,false) returns , no alt text |
WHOLEPART(double) |
int |
Returns the whole number part of a number. |
WHOLEPART(2.75) returns 2 |
Other functions
Function Syntax |
Return Type |
Description |
Usage |
CHOOSE(int which, argument1, argument2, ...) |
Selects an argument at the which location (one-based) in the list of arguments. All arguments must be of the same type (string or numeric). |
CHOOSE(2,"one","two","three") returns two |
EQV(double, double) |
int |
Returns 1 if both expressions evaluate to non-zero or if both expressions evaluate to zero, otherwise returns 0. |
IMP(double, double) |
int |
Returns 1 if the first expression evaluates to non-zero and the second expression evaluates to zero, otherwise returns 0. |
IMP(1,0) returns 1 IMP(TRUE,TRUE) returns 0 IMP(FALSE,FALSE) returns 0 IMP(TRUE,FALSE) returns 1 |
ISALPHA(string) |
string |
Returns TRUE If the first character of a string argument is alphabetic, otherwise returns FALSE. |
ISDIGIT(string) |
string |
Returns TRUE If the first character of a string argument is numeric, otherwise returns FALSE. |
ISPRIME(int) |
string |
Returns TRUE if the integer is prime, otherwise returns FALSE. |
ISPRIME(7) returns TRUE ISPRIME(8) returns FALSE |
ISRELPRIME(int x, int y) |
string |
If the greatest common factor of x and y is 1, returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE. |
ISRELPRIME(4,17) returns TRUE ISRELPRIME(5,25) returns FALSE |
ISUNIQUE(argument1, argument2, ...) |
string |
Returns TRUE if all arguments are unique, or FALSE if there are duplicate arguments. All of the arguments must be in the same type (string or numeric). This function is useful as a condition in evaluating multiple choice answer choices. |
ISUNIQUE(1,3,5,7) returns TRUE ISUNIQUE(1,3,5,1) returns FALSE |
LIST(argument1, argument2, ...) |
list |
Use this function as a container to hold similar expressions (numeric or text). Then use list with other functions that have multiple arguments such as MEAN or CHOOSE. |
MYLIST: LIST("dog","cat","fish","hamster") CHOOSE(3,MYLIST) returns fish |
SORT(ascending, double, double, ...) |
list |
Sorts a list of arguments. Arguments must be numeric. Set ascending to TRUE or FALSE. |
SORT(TRUE,5,7,1,4) returns 1, 4, 5, 7 SORT(FALSE,5,7,1,4) returns 7, 5, 4, 1 |
SYMBOL(string x) |
string |
Converts the string argument, x, to the appropriate symbol character. |
SYMBOL("+-") returns ± SYMBOL("<=") returns ≤ SYMBOL(">=") returns ≥ SYMBOL("<>") returns ≠ SYMBOL("X") returns × SYMBOL(".") returns · SYMBOL("/") returns ÷ SYMBOL("~=") returns ≈ SYMBOL("congruent") returns ≅ SYMBOL("identical") returns ≡ SYMBOL("intersection") returns ∩ SYMBOL("union") returns ∪ SYMBOL("subset") returns ⊂ SYMBOL("superset") returns ⊃ SYMBOL("left") returns ← SYMBOL("right") returns → SYMBOL("up") returns ↑ SYMBOL("down") returns ↓ SYMBOL("leftright") returns ↔ SYMBOL("leftdouble") returns ⇐ SYMBOL("rightdouble") returns ⇒ SYMBOL("leftrightdouble") returns ⇔ SYMBOL("equilibrium") returns ⇌ SYMBOL("alpha") returns α SYMBOL("ALPHA") returns Α SYMBOL("beta") returns β SYMBOL("BETA") returns Β SYMBOL("gamma") returns γ SYMBOL("GAMMA") returns Γ SYMBOL("delta") returns δ SYMBOL("DELTA") returns Δ SYMBOL("epsilon") returns ε SYMBOL("EPSILON") returns Ε SYMBOL("zeta") returns ζ SYMBOL("ZETA") returns Ζ SYMBOL("eta") returns η SYMBOL("ETA") returns Η SYMBOL("theta") returns θ SYMBOL("THETA") returns Θ SYMBOL("iota") returns ι SYMBOL("IOTA") returns Ι SYMBOL("kappa") returns κ SYMBOL("KAPPA") returns Κ SYMBOL("lambda") returns λ SYMBOL("LAMBDA") returns Λ SYMBOL("mu") returns μ SYMBOL("MU") returns Μ SYMBOL("nu") returns ν SYMBOL("NU") returns Ν SYMBOL("xi") returns ξ SYMBOL("XI") returns Ξ SYMBOL("omicron") returns ο SYMBOL("OMICRON") returns Ο SYMBOL("pi") returns π SYMBOL("PI") returns Π SYMBOL("rho") returns ρ SYMBOL("RHO") returns Ρ SYMBOL("sigma") returns σ SYMBOL("SIGMA") returns Σ SYMBOL("tau") returns τ SYMBOL("TAU") returns Τ SYMBOL("upsilon") returns υ SYMBOL("UPSILON") returns Υ SYMBOL("phi") returns φ SYMBOL("PHI") returns Φ SYMBOL("chi") returns χ SYMBOL("CHI") returns Χ SYMBOL("psi") returns ψ SYMBOL("PSI") returns Ψ SYMBOL("omega") returns ω SYMBOL("OMEGA") returns Ω Greek Characters SYMBOL("ALPHA") returns A SYMBOL("alpha") returns a |
UNSORT(double, double, ...) |
list |
Scrambles a list of arguments. |
UNSORT(1,4,5,7) might return 4, 1, 7, 5 |
Operator |
Input Type |
Description |
Usage |
+ |
number, string |
addition |
6 + 4 returns 10 "fence" + "post" returns fencepost |
- |
number |
subtraction |
7 - 4 returns 3 |
* |
number |
multiplication |
5 * 6 returns 30 |
/ |
number |
division |
24 / 4 returns 6 |
% |
number |
remainder (modulus) |
25 % 7 returns 4 |
^ |
number |
power |
3 ^ 4 returns 81 |
< |
number, string |
less than |
IF(3<4,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE |
> |
number, string |
greater than |
IF(3>4,TRUE,FALSE) returns FALSE |
<= |
number, string |
less than or equal |
IF(7<=7,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE |
>= |
number, string |
greater than or equal |
IF(7>=9,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE |
= |
number, string |
equality |
IF(4=4,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE |
!= |
number, string |
inequality |
IF(4!=4,TRUE,FALSE) returns FALSE |
boolean |
logical AND |
IF(3=3 AND 4=5,TRUE,FALSE) returns FALSE |
OR |
boolean |
logical OR |
IF(3=3 OR 4=5,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE |
boolean |
logical exclusive OR |
IF(3=3 XOR 4=5,TRUE,FALSE) returns TRUE IF(3=3 XOR 5=5,TRUE,FALSE) returns FALSE |