Adjust Choices

Use the Adjust Choices option to adjust the appearance of all multiple choice and multiple response questions in the currently open test or question set. This option allows you to quickly change the difficulty level of a test by decreasing the number of answer choices for all questions.

To adjust choices:

  1. Open a test or question set by dragging it to the editor pane.

  2. Choose Adjust Number of Answer Choices from the Test or Set menu.

  3. To adjust answer choices for multiple choice and multiple response questions, click the Number of answer choices check box and enter the number of choices to display.

  4. Click Apply.


  • Answer choices are adjusted only for multiple choice, multi-mode, and multiple response questions that have the Scramble capable option set to All.

  • New, blank answer choices are not created. For example, if you choose to adjust multiple choice questions to 3 choices but an existing question has only 2 choices, the question will not be adjusted.

  • To undo your adjustments, choose Adjust Number of Answer Choices from the Test or Set menu. The clear the check box and click Apply.

  • You may also use the reset question set or reset test option to reset a set or test to its original state.