
You may wish to add questions to your test based on question information, such as state standards or keywords. With the powerful search tools, you can filter questions based on question information to find the exact questions you need. The search function allows you to filter the questions displayed in the Question Sets or Tests pane.

To add test questions using filters:

  1. If necessary, close the currently open test or question set.

  2. Open your test by dragging it to the editor pane.

  3. Click the Button with binoculars. button in the Question Sets or Tests pane.

  4. Enter your search text in the Find what field.

  5. (Optional) Select the Search only question titles, objectives, and standards check box to limit the search fields.

  6. (Optional) Refine your search further by creating a filter. For example, suppose you only want multiple choice questions with the state standard QCC 5. Click the Advanced tab. Choose Regional std ID as the filter criteria, choose is as the operation, and enter QCC 5 as the filter value.

  7. Click OK. Now only questions that match your search criteria are displayed in the question sets or tests pane.

    Note: If the question set or test is not already expanded, click the + next to the set or test to expand it and view the questions.

  8. Drag questions from the left panes to the editor pane to add them to the test.

  9. To turn filters off and display all questions, simply click the Button with binoculars. button  again.