Question Information
Each question can be tagged with question information such as difficulty levels, state standards, keywords, and much more. This question information may be used to help you create filters when selecting questions for your test, it may be used to sort your questions, and it may also be used in post-test results reporting.
To create question information for a question:
Edit the question for which you want to create question information.
Click the Info tab.
Click Info and Objectives.
For fields with text boxes, such as Other, simply enter your information in the text box.
To include rich text features such as bold and italics, click the Use rich text check box and then click Edit. Click Update when you are finished entering the rich text. -
For fields that allow multiple records, such as Reference, click the Add Record link and enter your data. Then click the Insert link to record your entry. Click the Add Record link again to add an additional record in the same field. Click the Edit link to edit existing records.
To include rich text features such as bold and italics, click the Use rich text check box before you click the Add Record link. Click Update when you are finished entering the rich text. -
Open-response question types also include an Answer lines when printing option. You may allow the system to automatically determine the size of answer lines, or set a specific amount. This setting will be used if you enable the Include answer lines option when printing a test.
When you are finished entering question information, click OK to record your data.
All question information fields are optional. You can populate as many fields as you wish and leave the rest blank. Populating more question information fields, however, makes the filtering and reporting options more robust.
Supported question information fields include:
- Custom ID
- Rubric (essay question only)
- Difficulty>
- Reference
- Learning objectives
- Accrediting standards
- Common Core standards
- National standards
- State standards
- Local standards
- Corporate standards
- Topic
- Search keywords
- Notes
- Other
- Academic benchmark ID