View Settings
When viewing a question set or test, you may choose how many questions to view per page on your browser. Fewer questions per page helps each page load more quickly in your browser and requires you to scroll less. The view settings do not have any impact on pagination for printed tests.
To change the view settings:
Open a test or question set by dragging it to the editor pane.
Use the View drop-down list to select how many questions to display on your browser page.
Use the Go to drop-down list to navigate to a particular range of questions numbers.
You can change the default view settings in your profile.
A preface will appear on each browser page that contains a question attached to that preface. For example, suppose you have 10 questions attached to a preface and are viewing 5 questions per page. The preface will appear on both the first and second browser page. However, in the printed test the preface will only appear once.