Drag and Drop

Drag-and-drop questions are a flexible question type that allows you to create interactive labeling and matching activities without programming. A drag-and-drop question is composed of draggable items, drop targets, and optional background images and text. Draggable items can match one or more targets or none at all.

To create a drag-and-drop question:

  1. Click the New Question button Button with a green plus sign. and choose Drag and Drop.

  2. Enter a question Title.
    Note: When creating a new question, if you do not enter a question Title, it will auto-populate with an ellipsis when you click OK. If you do not want the Title to auto-populate for new questions, deselect the Automatically populate question titles option in your profile. 

  3. Select a Box size to specify the size of the draggable items and drop targets or select Custom to specify your own dimensions.

    Note: The draggables and drop targets will all be the same size.

  4. By default, the draggable items will be scrambled automatically. If you do not want the items to be scrambled, clear the Scramble draggables automatically check box.

  5. Click Add Background Image and select the image to be used for the drag-and-drop interaction. The maximum size of the background is 646 x 565. You can resize the image if necessary. You can use the Background Image Information to see the image location and size.

    Note: A background image is not required. You can create a drag-and-drop question with just drop targets and draggables.

  6. Click Add Draggable to create an item students can drag. A draggable item can be text, an image, or a combination of both.

  7. (Optional) Enter Text for the draggable item. If you enter text you can also set the font, size, font color, alignment, and justification.

  8. (Optional) Click Upload Image to add an image to the draggable item. If you entered text for the draggable item, it will appear over the image and you can adjust its location.

  9. (Optional) If the draggable item will match more than one drop target, select the Reusable check box.

  10. Drag the draggable item to its starting position. You can use the Information section to help position the item.

    Note: If the Scramble draggables automatically check box is selected, the draggable items will be scrambled for students. In that case, there is no need to place them in a random order.

  11. Click Add Drop Target and drag it to the desired location. You can use the slider in the Drop Target Options to control the transparency of the drop target.

  12. Drag the draggable item to the matching drop target.

    Note: If the draggable item is set to reusable, you can drag it to multiple drop targets.

  13. Repeat steps 6-13 to add all the draggable items and targets.

    Note: You can add draggable items that do not match drop targets.

  14. To delete any item (draggable, drop target, background image, text), click it and drag it to the trash can Trash can icon that appears as you drag it.

  15. To assign a draggable item to a different target, click either drop target or the draggable and click Break Link.

  16. (Optional) If you want to include instructions or additional text, click Add Text. When you add text, you can also select the font, size, font color, and alignment.

  17. Use the alignment tools to arrange the different elements. Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT keys while clicking to select multiple items and move or align them.

    Button with vertical line on the left and an arrow pointing to it. Move to Left Move one or more selected items to the left border.
    Button with vertical line on the right and an arrow pointing to it. Move to Right Move one or more selected items to the right border.
    Button with horizontal line at the top of the button and an arrow pointing to it Move to Top Move one or more selected items to the top border.
    Button with horizontal line at the bottom of the button and an arrow pointing to it. Move to Bottom Move one or more selected items to the bottom border.
    Button with a square with four arrows pointing inwards, one in the center of each side. Move to Center Move one or more selected items to the center of the window.
    Button with vertical line on the left. Two rectangles are aligned against the line.  An arrow points to the line. Align Left Align two or more items with the left border of the left-most item.
    Button with vertical line on the right. Two rectangles are aligned against the line.  An arrow points to the line. Align Right Align two or more items with the right border of the right-most item.
    Button with horizontal line at the top of the button. Two rectangles are aligned against the line.  An arrow points to the line. Align Top Align two or more items with the top border of the top-most item.
    Button with horizontal line at the bottom of the button. Two rectangles are aligned against the line.  An arrow points to the line. Align Bottom Align two or more items with the bottom border of the bottom-most item.
    Button with a bold vertical line in the center. Two rectangles are aligned with the line on either side. Distribute Horizontally Evenly space three or more items horizontally. It is usually best to use  Align Top or Align Bottom before using this button.
    Button with a bold horizontal line in the center. Two rectangles are aligned with the line on either side. Distribute Vertically Evenly space three or more items vertically. It is usually best to use  Align Left or Align Right before using this button.
  18. (Optional) If you want students to receive points even when they do not match all the correct answers, select Allow partial credit and enter a Points value. See the scoring note below.

    Note: The points awarded is determined by the percentage of correct items multiplied by the point value of the question. If the point value is not divisible by the number of drop targets, the decimal portion of the score is ignored. For example, suppose a question is worth 5 points and there are 4 possible correct items in the question. With partial credit allowed, if students matches 3 items correctly, they will only receive 3 points.

  19. (Optional) Click the Answer and Grading tab and select an Evaluation Mode.

    • Select Automatically scored to have the system score the questions. In most cases, you will want the question automatically scored, and by default, drag-and-drop questions are set to be automatically graded.

    • Select Manually scored to have instructors grade the questions.

  20. (Optional) Click the Preview tab to check the layout of the question.

  21. (Optional) Click the Rationale tab to enter the reasoning behind the question or detailed information on the solution.

  22. (Optional) Click the Info tab to enter additional question information.

    • If the question is connected to a table, picture, or other shared information, select a preface from the Preface drop-down list.

    • Click Info and Objectives to enter question information such as difficulty levels, references, and standards.

    • Drag-and-drop questions are automatically set to Electronic only. If you want to include a drag-and-drop question on printed tests, deselect the Electronic only option.

  23. Click OK to record the question.


  • Drag-and-drop questions are not included in LMS exports.