Interactive (HTML5)

An interactive (HTML5) question is a special question type that allows for rich internet content in the form of HTML5. Interactive (HTML5) questions are mainly used in online tests.You can include them on printed test by changing the settings on the Info tab. Contact your publisher for more information about interactive (HTML5) questions.

To create/edit an interactive (HTML5) question:

  1. Edit an existing interactive (HTML5) question or click the New Question button Button with a green plus sign. and choose Interactive (HTML5).

  2. Enter a question Title.
    Note: When creating a new question, if you do not enter a question Title, it will auto-populate with an ellipsis when you click OK. If you do not want the Title to auto-populate for new questions, deselect the Automatically populate question titles option in your profile.  

  3. Click Browse to locate the ZIP file containing the HTML5 question.

  4. Click Upload.

  5. (Optional) Enter a Points value.

  6. (Optional) Click the Rationale tab to enter the reasoning behind the question or detailed information on the solution.

  7. (Optional) Click the Answer and Grading tab and select an Evaluation Mode.

    • Select Automatically scored if the HTML5 is designed to score itself.

    • Select Manually scored to have instructors the question.

  8. (Optional) Click the Info tab to enter additional question information.

    • If the question is connected to a table, picture, or other shared information, select a preface from the Preface drop-down list.

    • Click Info and Objectives to enter question information such as difficulty levels, references, and standards.

    • By default, interactive (HTML5) questions are Electronic only. If you want to include a interactive (HTML5) question on printed tests, deselect the Electronic only option.

  9. Click OK to record the question.