Reset Question

Use the reset question command to restore a multiple choice question, a multiple response question, or a matching group to its original state.

Resetting a multiple choice or multiple response question does the following:

Resetting a matching group does the following:

  • The order of the questions within the matching group is reset.

  • The show the first... option is reset.

To reset a question:

  1. If necessary, open the test or question set that contains the question you want to reset.

  2. Click to highlight the question you want to reset.

  3. Choose Reset Question from the Question menu.

Note: When you change the number of answer choices for a scrambled question, you must reset the question in order to see the changes. If the question exists in multiple scrambled question sets/tests, then you must reset each of those individual occurrences of the question in order to display the changes to the answer choices in those sets/tests.