The Scramble option enables you to quickly create a new version of your test or question set by scrambling the question order and the answer choice order for multiple choice, multi-mode, and multiple response questions.
To scramble a test or question set:
If necessary, open the test or question set you want to scramble.
Click the
button or choose Scramble from the Test or Set menu. The Scramble dialog box opens.
Select Scramble question sections to scramble the order of question type sections (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, etc.) for each version of the test. This option is only available if the Organize by Question Type option is enabled and there is more than one type of question on the test.
Select Scramble questions to scramble the question order. If the Organize by Question Type option is enabled, questions will be scrambled within their question type groups.
Select Scramble answer choices to scramble the answer choices for the multiple choice and multiple response questions. Answer choices will be scrambled based on each individual multiple choice and multiple response question's Scramble capable setting. This option is only available if the test contains multiple choice, multi-mode, and/or multiple response questions.
Click OK.
If the Organize by Question Type option is enabled, the question order will be scrambled within each question type group. If this option is not enabled, the question order will be randomized with no regard to question type.
Answer choices for multiple choice, multi-mode, and multiple response questions will be scrambled according to the scramble capable setting for each individual question.
Alternately, you may choose from a variety of scramble options when you print your test as a PDF.
To undo scrambling for a set or test, use the reset question set or reset test option. To undo answer choice scrambling for an individual question, use the reset question option.